Canadian International Chaplaincy Association confers ambassadorial position on Dr. Ntiamoah-Mensah in New York

The President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of 3G Media Group was appointed Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Special Envoy, a United Nations (UN) Ambassador or Special Envoy in Media and Public Relations.
The conferment honour was done on Saturday, October 2023 by the Canadian International Chaplaincy Association, a non-governmental organisation (NGO) in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), in the city of New York. The surprise appointment was handed to him by Dr Devon Bannister at the 12th Edition of the Annual Mega 3G Awards and Celebrity Bash, held at the United Reformed Methodist Church, 2543 Marion Ave, Bronx, New York.
The letter announcing the appointment was issued on Saturday 7th October 2023, and signed by The Right Rev. Dr The Honourable Philip S. Phinn, OEA, D-C.P.C, the President General of World of Life Ministries International (WOLMI) and Dr. the Honorable Sharon J. Baquedo – Phinn, OEA, O.P.C, Main Ambassador to the UN Headquarters, New York.
Word of Life Christian Fellowship otherwise called Word of Life Ministries International (WOLMI) and thereafter shall be called WOLMI being the first and only Full Gospel Organization to be accredited by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). WOLMI has been given the right to appoint Ambassadors to the United Nations, at large and to Inter-governmental bodies.
The Executive Council has vested in the President the authority to appoint, promote and accredit Kingdom Ambassadors within the guidelines of its constitution.
The letter stated that Dr Ntiamoah-Mensah has the right to use the title “Ambassador” before his name and the letters “CDSE” after his name. It further noted that the title “Ambassador” is after the order of Ephesians 6:20 and from the Kingdom of God Constitution, according to 2 Corinthians 5:20 as enshrined in the scripture.
The letter further adds, “His Excellency, The Right Reverend, The Honorable Philip S. Phinn, Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Extra Ordinary Ambassadors and President General of WOLMI, hereby appoint; His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Charles N. Ntiamoah-Mensah, CDSE, as Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Special Envoy with all rights and privileges pertaining thereto of being an Ambassador; specialist in the field of Media and Public Relations”.
The letter noted “Given under my hand and the Executive Council of WOLMI, Dr. Phinn indicated that the appointee shall therefore be addressed as; His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Charles N. Ntiamoah-Mensah, CDSE”, stated portions of the letter.
In his acceptance speech, Dr. Charles N. Ntiamoah-Mensah offered his profound gratitude to God for helping him overcome health challenges. He is eternally grateful.
The newly appointed ambassador in a few words of appreciation thanked the Canadian International Chaplaincy Association represented by Dr Devon Bannister for bestowing on him such a big international honour, emphasising the immense contributions and support he has received from his dear wife; Rosemond, children; Kendra, Ella and Angel, Mum, Elizabeth and brothers; David in London, UK during his struggles.
Further, he acknowledged Hon. Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, NPP Presidential aspirant, Bishop Adonteng Boateng, the Ghana Ministers Fellowship International, United Worship Council and his entire 3G Media Group team and all media partners for their support over the years.
Other important personalities who supported him in receiving the honour were; Mr Akwasi Agyemang, CEO, of Ghana Tourism Authority, Bishop & Mrs Amankwah, CEO, of Lifecode911 Africa, Mama Felicia Gambrah and Chief Abubakar aka Wuro Mola of the Kotokoli Community.
(By: 3G Media Group)