CAPE COAST: Cape Coast Youth Development Association (CCYDA) Launches 12 years Anniversary

The Cape Coast Youth Development Association (CCYDA) has been in existence for 12 years. Ordinarily, the celebration of 12 years in the annals of associations and/or events is not accorded special attention because of the oddity of the number 12 which contrasts with other more celebrated milestones such as silver, golden, diamond, platinum, centenary, jubilee etc.
The mission of the association is sensitize the public, particularly the youth on the sanitation and environmental issues, practice and partake in activities and the preservation of culture and social issues.
2. To Facilitate And Solicit Assistance For The Youth In Promoting Trade, Learning Apprenticeship And Education.
3. To Aid In Facilitating Job Placement And Employment For The Youth. BRIGHT FUTURE
This 12th anniversary, therefore, could certainly pass for nothing special. However, the primary focus of the CCYDA to make its 12th anniversary an event par excellence is two-fold. The first has to do with the fact that the number 12 has a biblical symbolic significance which stands out as one of the most prominent in Scripture; and more often than not, tends to represent a good omen. Both the Old and New Testaments can attest profusely to the consequence of the number 12.
The second is the theme for the anniversary, which is ‘SAFEGUARDING THE PEACE OF CAPE COAST FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE YOUTH.’ The element of gravitas to the theme is the fact that the theme is dedicated to the memory of the Late Osabarimba Kodwo Mbrah V; a past Omanhen of the Oguaa Traditional Area, whose love and penchant for peace earned the Stool; the title OSABARIMBA. The foregoing two focal points, therefore, explain the pomp and splendor which have been planned to characterize the celebration of the 12th anniversary of the CCYDA.