
Comedy is not always meant to be funny — Comedian Waris

Ghanaian comedian and actor Abdul Waris Usman popularly known as Comedian Waris has fired back at critics who say he is not funny. Comedian Waris made his debut on the comedy scene around 2015 and has since then strived to make a name for himself in the industry. He has described comedy as being multifaceted. Waris believes not all skits or jokes are meant to evoke loud bursts of laughter in an audience.

In a recent interview with Raza Swaggy on Asaase Cape Coast’s “Rush Hour,” the comedian revealed certain tricks about the business. “So what people don’t know about comedy is that, comedy… it’s not everything that’s supposed to be funny,” he stated.

Comedian Waris further explained that comedy is a very powerful tool. According to him, comedy can contribute to nation-building. It is not only meant to entertain and make people laugh but can also be used to educate and inform. He however is of the view that, Ghanaians have not fully grasped the concept of comedy being multi-faceted. This, he believes, is the reason people would describe him as not being funny. “Ghanaians are actually squeezing humor from places they’re not supposed to.”

Speaking on standup comedy, Comedian Waris described it as one of the easiest yet complex forms of comedy. When asked by the host whether the jokes were planned or not, he had this to say, “Sometimes it comes spontaneously, sometimes too you have the jokes.”

Comedian Waris
Comedian Waris

He disclosed that he had jokes about several high-profile personalities such as the President of the Republic, Nana Akufo Addo, former President Mahama, Paa Kwesi Nduom and others. Seeing these people at his shows is almost always an assurance for a successful show, he humorously remarked.

Comedian Waris however did not fail to recognize the challenges of standup comedy. He admitted that it could sometimes be tough. It requires a certain level of skill and intelligence to be able to determine the kind of jokes likely to excite or elicit a positive reaction from an audience.

The 31-year-old comedian who has received several criticisms on social media expressed his love for comedy. He also called on Ghanaians to learn to appreciate the various types of comedy.

By: Maame Adwoa A. Mensah – Asaase Cape Coast

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