
Mr Drew issues statement on Jamrock’s Easter Event

On March 11th, 2024, organisers of an event dubbed ‘Easter Dance Party with Mr Drew’ reached out to Mr. Drew’s team with the desire to book Mr. Drew for the event being organised by JamRock Bar and Event Centre scheduled to take place on April 1st, 2024 in Akosombo.

Negotiations were made between the respective teams and an agreement was reached on the performance fee and payment structure. The Organisers were required to pay 50% of the amount to confirm the booking. The remaining 50% was agreed to be paid to him on the day of the event before his performance. It was further agreed that Mr. Drew would shoot a promotional video confirming his participation in the event which video he shot and delivered to the organisers to be used as promotional material for the event.

It was stated that the event would commence at 8:00pm and Mr. Drew the headline act would perform at 11:30pm to close out the show. On the day of the event, Mr. Drew and his team hired a private vehicle to take them to Akosombo. The team arrived at 2:40pm and were lodged at Atta Korea Guest House by the organisers. Contrary to the agreement the event did not commence at 8:00pm and had not begun as at 12:00 am on 2nd April. Mr. Drew and his team waited at the guesthouse to be called to perform by the organisers.

The organisers did not contact the team throughout this episode but at 12:26am came to the guesthouse asking that the team join a convoy through the town to draw patrons to the event. Despite the safety risks involved, Mr. Drew and his team indicated their willingness to join the convoy subject to being paid the outstanding 50% as had been agreed. The Organisers of the event refused to make payment and rather demanded that Mr. Drew moves to the event first citing the low turnout as the reason for their refusal to make payment..

As at 1:00am on 2nd April the event was yet to start with the supporting acts yet to perform. After waiting for a further 50 minutes with no communication on when he would receive his payment, Mr. Drew and his team left Akosombo at 1:50 am.

Post-Event Issues:

In the aftermath of the event the organiser of the event have resorted to issuing threats and all manner of invectives at Mr. Drew and his team on social media and through private messages. The organisers have also issued a press release peddling nothing but falsehoods and defamatory statements. Mr. Drew’s lawyer wrote to organisers demanding a retraction of the defamatory statements and lies. The organisers refused and issued further threats and insults to Mr. Drew’s DJ; DJ Filter. Mr. Drew’s legal team is prepared to take further action if organisers do not retract the lies and defamatory remarks they made.

Mr. Drew is known for delivering exhilarating and exciting performances whenever he is called on and is not one known to disappoint his fans. He remains ever ready and committed to give the people of Akosmobo such a performance when called on and delivered one in the same area on the 31st of March 2024.

It was with this intention that he was back in Akosombo at 2:40pm the following day ready to perform but for the serious levels of unprofessionalism exhibited by the organisers of the EASTER DANCE PARTY WITH MR DREW”.

For more information contact: [email protected]

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