Spotlight thrown on singjay Toxic

Ricardo Trevin Henry also known as Toxic, was born and grown in the rural village of Telescope St. Andrew’s. After dropping out of high school around the age of 17 and realising that he had no job, there were no opportunities to be gained from hanging and hustling on the block.
He decided to turn to his musical talent, which began at the age of 12. It’s then he decided to go hard at his music and take on hardcore dancehall and bashment as a career and make a go at his goals in life. Toxic musical talent ranges in all genres of music. What makes Toxic different from other artists is the pattern, style and flow of his sound along with the way he brings across his ideas through his music. Songs such as Montana, Winners, Run etc. The artists that Toxic has worked with so far are Brighta Star, Contagious, Hanzo, Dee One and Hadojahyi.
The inspiration behind Toxic music is the struggles of life, his experience and what he sees going on in his home country and the world as a whole, plus his natural love for the music, which comes across in his lyrics. Toxic has seen his music evolve from the reactions of his fans to his lyrical start when he initially started to where it is now, he can see and hear the evolution of his music.
The best advice Toxic ever received was from his father which was to go hard for his goal and that he can be anything he wants to be. He was also told that he has to put in the work to conquer his goals, this is the advice that pushes him to go forward with his music and his future. His future plans for his music are to improve his musical talents, tour the world and work with different artists from different cultures and different nations while giving back to his community and helping elevate those around him. He best describes his music as elevation because he wants his music to inspire the youths and members of his community to go hard for their goals, to put in the work to achieve those goals, because he believes that once you work hard for it and go towards it nothing and no one can stop you.